Gender Case Study

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When it comes to citizenship, equal rights for all members of the society are one of the attributes of many beliefs. Feminists, among others, believes that this conceals the reality of unfair nation on the foundation of class, ethnicity, race and, what this paper particularly focus on, gender, which can render women subject to discrimination (Meer and Sever, 2004). The outcome of this is inequality in society where because of the source of their divergence, some people are being excluded from their rights and responsibilities. Having understood the reasons why feminists criticize the notion of citizenship and inequality, this essay is going to do a specific case study on gendered nationality. This essay will first look at the current discrimination that women face in the form of nationality, how culture and religion play a huge role in relation and how women themselves have to fight for their own right to reduce gender discrimination in their laws. Lastly, in the conclusion, recommendations will be included in what I think would help in diminishing gender discrimination against women in nationality.

In 2011, Hillary Clinton addressed women’s nationality rights at a meeting convened by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees where she made a public and impassioned call for states to reform their laws to allow women equal rights with men where women can transmit their nationality to their children and foreign spouses. This is deemed as one of the important forms of discrimination in the context of nationality. Although there are currently 74 state parties that are members of the Convention on the Nationality of Married Women, which is a regulation to defend women’s right to preserve or reject national citizenship in a way...

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...ies that the government, which majority consists of men, does not consider it as a significant matter. In order for this to move in the right direction, I feel that policy-makers and specialists would have to address the concerns that are disregarded of gender equality in nationality such as assuring women a safe future, as well as come up with public and official resolutions. Secondly, I find that the social movement needs a great support system from the policy-makers and those who set-up projects and lastly, in turn to promote discussions, acquire information, and extend useful approaches through networks must be established. As for the women’s civil society movement, initiating responsibilities as suppliers of useful information to policy-makers on their necessities, future approach and gender discrimination might support them to get their voices being heard.

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