Fujifilm Case Analysis

542 Words2 Pages

Chairman and CEO, Shigetaka Komori proclaims that it is Fujifilm's mission to create new value and contribute to social development. Among it's primary focuses were enhancing further onsite capabilities in the workplace, meeting the diversified needs of society, and creating value and building society. The basis of the company's approach to social responsibility includes openly providing information that fulfills their accountability regarding fair business practices. Fujifilms also vows to continually reexamine whether their CSR activities align with the demands of society via customers, employees, local communities, and other business partners. In doing so the company not only revolutionized itself into a lucrative conglomerate, it also achieved astounding growth on the international front as well. Ultimately this allowed the expansion of its business worldwide paralleling the emerging economies in each country and region. The company also adopted a their G-Up initiative enhance onsite capabilities in the workplace in an effort to provide society with valuable as wells as continu...

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