Fruitvale's Bioremediation Case

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Fruitvale water clean up is a serious project that needs fast action. Fruitvale’s town water supply is in danger of being contaminated. Years ago, containers of a bug pesticide called “No-Bug” were spilled onto the ground. How is this a problem? Well, Fruitvale’s soil is different than other cities, it has an ability to absorb the toxins that are found in No-Bug pesticide. These toxins soon end up in our groundwater and keep on traveling down hill. Fruitvale has about three years to clean up the chemicals, but how should we do it? Fruitvale’s solution is Bioremediation. What is bioremediation? Well, bioremediation is the use of living microorganisms to break down unsafe substances in the earth to safe substances. There are two different ways of carrying out bioremediation. One way is taking out all the hazardous material and injecting the microorganisms, not on the contaminated site. The second way has the microorganisms be put in the hazardous material on the contaminated site, and both are equally effective. Why should we choose bioremediation? …show more content…

Bioremediation has basically no effect afterward on the earth material. When the hazardous material is gone, so are the organisms. The microorganisms won’t survive after all the contaminate is broken down, just like a snail in a fish tank without algae. This makes it so there aren't any negative side effects to the treatment. A big plus to bioremediation is the cost. Bioremediation is only $200 - 400 thousand, an easily payable plan when compared to some of the others. Even with these big pros, there is still some negatives to

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