Fruit Juice Persuasive Speech

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Schools should not just be offering what they call "nutrious drinks" There is a time in a child's life that they need to start making their own desitions. America was built on freedom. A big part of america is the freedom to do what we want, and i think we should be privlaged those rights in school as well. I understand why you would restrain certain things from elementary school students, but we are in middle school now. Kid in middle school want to be treated with some sort of respect. Having food restrictions doesn't make us feel like the almost grown kids we are. Also, i believe failing can be good for you. kid need to face the consequeces of their eating habits in order to learn. Parents have told their kids the consequences of eating …show more content…

They will learn what they must do next time. I am confused as to why the school board considers fruit juice as heathy. Fruit juice is simply all the natural sugars being squeezed out of the fruit. There is a very small amount of nutrience if any, and studys have shown fruit juice is horrible for your teeth. I personally think if schools wanted to be heathy they would just sell water and milk as the drink choice. Water, supports your whole body . It is essential to even your existance! Milk, is good for your bones, and is natually made, not processed. fruit juice? Nothing nutrious about it. As most adults know, kids are not interested in heathy drinks. If the school sold drinks of the kids request, the school's income would be through the roof. The lunch lady's would be happier and more at ease, the kis would be more enjoyable, and most of all it would benifit the school tremendously. With all the money all the money the school would have coming in from the drinks they could buy higher quality food as well. the kids would be buying more food from the school, and with all the money coming in the school could pay for remodeling, more supplys for teachers, nicer equittment, ect. We should not just have heathy drinks in our school

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