Freightliner History Essay

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Out of all the heavy duty truck manufacturers out there, Freightliner isn’t the oldest one around. However, it’s pretty much the best-known. Born out of necessity to improve an industry that didn’t see the need for change, innovation is in the company’s very DNA. Originality and willingness to evolve are elements that have kept Freightliner in business for almost a century. Freightliner history reveals a tentative beginning that blossomed into a reputation for a quality product and made it the U.S.’s leading heavy duty truck manufacturer.

Building a Better Truck
Freightliner history starts out much like many great success stories: with a quest for a better product. And who could come up with a better way to build an ideal truck than a trucker? In fact, Freightliner was the result of Leland James’s inspiration to lighten his fleet. James was the president of Consolidated Freightways, and his …show more content…

That’s why he opted to stick with that popular design and have his engineering team focus on making a lightweight yet durable truck that was easy to operate. Within a few short years, Freightways Manufacturing Company was established and began production in 1940. Based in Salt Lake City, Utah, the name of the company was changed to Freightliner Corporation just 2 years later.

After shifting gears, so to speak, during World War II when Freightliner concentrated on producing aircraft and ship parts, the company’s business really began booming. Operations were moved to Portland, Oregon, and Freightliner began building quality trucks to order, based on customer specs. That capability alone helped Freightliner to go from producing 116 trucks in 1950 to over 6,200 by 1970. That’s a volume increase of 5,250 percent! For a time, between 1951 and 1974, the White Motor Company sold Freightliner trucks through their

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