Freelance Economy

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Cornelius Hawkins COSC 418 Assignment # 5 STEP I Title of Article/Issue: Freelance Economy Grows as Workers Seek Flexibility A. List the relevant facts. State facts in complete sentences. (List more than five facts.) At the end of your list, cite reference from your source(s). 1. 12 percent of employees work as freelancers as their primary source of income, the same percentage perform freelance work in addition to their primary job 2. The freelance economy can be beneficial for both temporary workers and businesses. Organizations get access to highly skilled talent who bring in a fresh perspective 3. Businesses must have extra equipment available so freelancers can plug in and immediately get to work 4. IT Departments should be prepared …show more content…

Employees freelance for a variety of reasons, including the flexibility to make their own hours (37 percent), make more money (39 percent), and achieve a work-life balance (32 percent) 6. 44 percent of employees who freelance part-time say they would consider leaving their primary, traditional job to freelance full-time 7. 8. Reference: B. What ethics/values are in question from the above facts? (List more than three facts.) 1. (2) How does freelance economy benefit actual workers 2. (3) What are the extra equipment available so that the freelancers can do work immediately 3. 4. 5. C. List the stakeholders involved. List the individuals/groups who are/may be affected by this issue and how. Be specific. Who are affected/Who may be affected? How are they affected by the dilemma/OR could be affected? Staples Advantage Feels freelance can beneficial for both temporary workers and businesses Office Workers (Employees) Many employees are considering leaving their primary, traditional job to freelance full-time Businesses More businesses are taking on more freelancers Human Resources Helping more businesses hire more freelancers United States More job opportunities for American people STEP II A. Write several statements or questions that are ethical dilemmas from this

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