Freak The Mighty Chapter 1 Analysis

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In our 6th Grade class we are reading Freak the Mighty.In chapter 1 through 16 we learned about Max and Freaks friendship. In chapter one we learned about Max’s life. In chapter two we read how Max and Freak saw each other. Freak greeted him with a Identify yourself earthling. And DIE EARTHLING! Chapter three talks how Max helps Freak get a kite out of a tree. He helps him because he saw Freak hitting the tree with his little crutch. He goes with Freak to his place and talk. When the Fair Gwen finds out that Freak is at Max’s Houses she goes and gets him. She looks frightened that Freak was at Max’s House. In the next few chapters Max goes over to Freaks and Talks to him and goes on “Quests” with him. They also go to a park to watch the fireworks on Fourth of July. In chapters 11 through 16 The Fair Gwen enrolls Max in Freak’s Smart Classes. And the students are bothering him with “Killer Kane, Killer Kane had a kid who got no brain” Few days after Freak starts to eat lots of American Chop Suey and then starts to choke and the teachers call an ambulance. They take him to the hospital and check him out. In Christmas eve Freak gives him a Dictionary with his favorite words. Then Killer Kane kidnaps Max and takes him to the Testaments. …show more content…

Over the days together Max and Freak develop a strong Friendship between them. They are like best friends. Max is very careful with Freak because he is small and fragile. When Max and freak go on Quest Max carries Freak on his shoulders. Freak is very patient with Max because he is a slow learner. When Freak uses “big words” Max is okay with he doesn’t feel offended by Freak. Freak and Max are the best friends that I have read in a book. Freak and Max are the best because Freak is funny, smart and honest and Max is tall and strong. That is how Freak the Mighty came along. Both of them are very special in a way that when they are together they become Freak the

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