Frankenstein and the Moral Dilemmas of Today

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Frankenstein has been a classic for many years, and for many years to come. It strikes me to be one of the few horror stories one can actually read without vomiting, and instead, sympathize with. The book deals with a handful of things, as the moral dilemmas of interfering with nature. But, is it possible to connect this horror story with today's society?

As we read the story about the man Frankenstein and his creation – it is often described as if he's making a monster. He puts together a man, made from other dead men, to make him alive. He constructs him to be one of his greatest creations of all time, from something that shouldn't be tampered with. Taking something that used to be human, to make another human being. As it turns out, the “monster” is indeed more deep and appreciative than many humans. Bear in mind, that this is fiction that holds a large pile of moral dilemmas. Frankenstein tampers with natures course when he use the dead to make something alive. As we put it in to today's society, we can see a lot of red lines used in a range of different fields. It frightens the normal humans, because they are not used to it.
Take science, food making and other things we now evolve. Can we place the dilemma of Frankenstein's morality, to say – food (GMO, genetically modified organisms used in food), or babies from test-tubes?

Genetically modified organisms used in food – some might say that this is wrong. Why is that?
Most of the food we eat grows naturally. Either from trees, soil, plants, amongst others. This is what we call “natural” food. But isn't all food natural? You would think so, as they come naturally from the ground or anything else. But if we look at science today, used for many years now, it is used things i...

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...we'll end up seeing this as natural course of evolving the human being, and our needs and rules? Interfering with nature may not be natural, but it might just be the thing to help us continue with the natural course of humans actually existing.

If we put Frankenstein's creation beside problems we face today, we can see a clear line. The story about the monster, can be translated in to being our issues today with the tampering of nature. We have a handful of problems, a handful of changing nature, but nothing in these days has gone as far as making a man out of dead bodies. When this comes, we can argue that things have gone too far – but how far things have gotten now, it is not a bad thing in my opinion.
Natures course is plenty of things, and there is so much we can do to tamper with it. It is not always right, but not always wrong. This needs to be remembered.

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