Frankenstein Movie Vs Book

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The book is a film that takes place in the mind of the reader. There are many differences in the book of Frankenstein than there are from the movie. The reason is because the book is very descriptive and movies can’t be as detailed as books. Which explains why all movies are different from books. The biggest differences are the environment and some of the deaths that occured in the book.
Something that was noticeably different in the book than in the movie are some of the different places from the book. Mary described everything in great detail and in the movie they edited and modified a lot of the places to make the story seem more interesting. In the movie, when victor brings the creature to life, he has an audience. In the book, he makes it known that he wants to keep the creature a secret and has no intentions on letting anyone find out. The differences range from the characters mood, to the plot, to the actual events in the book. Another significant change from the book to the movie is that the creator of the movie switched around Henry and Victor's roles, so in the movie Victor was known as Henry Frankenstein. Which seemed to not be a large difference could really confuse the audience of the movie if they’ve read the book. In the movie, the creature eventually develops mentally and begins to feel human emotions, in the …show more content…

This was a small change that wasn’t put in because it wasn’t essential to the story that was being told. In the book, the creature was unable to read and was illiterate. In the movie however, the creature was able to read Frankenstein's journal which begs the question, why was the creature such a monster in the movie if he could read? It would prove that he’s mentally intelligent, which would prove that he could feel things if he really wanted to, but the creator didn’t want the creature to be portrayed that

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