Forrest Gump Disability

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Movie Review : Forrest gump

“Life is like a box of chocolate,You never know what you are going to get”,The most famous quote of all time from the movie “Forrest Gump” (1994) by Robert Zemeckis.”Forrest Gump” is a drama movie that very sarcastic to American society,The movie also contained with nearly every significant events that had happened in 1950s-1970s.The movie have narrative style,The story is talking by one character perspective,Forrest gump.The main character who's the run the movie based on his life experience.Forrest gump is an autism Child from alabama,His IQ score is 75 which underrated.He can not walk generally like other child so he's had to wear a legs brace.Forrest born with a lot of disability but because he had had pure innocent …show more content…

The story starts with Forrest( played Tom hanks) starting introduced himself to a stranger that sit next to him while he was waiting for the bus.He offered first lady a chocolate and then he starting to share his stories to the lady,From his childhood to very present.The crisis of the movie is divided into three part Forrest’s Childhood,Soldier’s life and Fishing business.Forrest in young age been bully by other kids because his disability(His legs brace and slow development of brain).The only friend he has is Jenny(Played by Robin Wright),The love of his life.
Jenny is a smart girl little girl but unfortunately she had a every difficult childhood because she’s been abusing by her father since she was a kid.Jenny used to pray

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