Foreshadowing In 13 Reasons Why

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Book Project

13 Reasons Why is a young adult fiction novel written by Jay Asher, that can change someone's outlook on life. Jay Asher has a beautiful way of describing the terrible events in Hannah’s life. According to Goodreads, he was born on September 30, 1975 in Arcadia, California. He grew up in a family that supported his interests, such as playing the guitar and writing. He attended Cuesta College after graduating from high school. At Cuesta College he wrote his first two children’s books for a class called Children’s Literature Appreciation. During this time in his life, he wanted to become an elementary school teacher. He decided to go to California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo where he left during his senior year …show more content…

He starts to wonder why Skye seems to isolate everyone at school. This is an example of foreshadowing, later in the story Skye comes into play again. Clay gets off the bus and Marcus Cooley (his story comes later) asks Clay to throw a rock at Tyler’s window with him. Marcus is very defensive towards the tape. You can tell this by the quote from him, “I don't belong on those tapes. Hannah just wanted an excuse to kill herself.” Coincidentally the next tape is about Marcus. Through a Valentine's Day survey Marcus and Hannah get matched up.They make plans to go to a diner named Rosie’s. Marcus tried to make a move on her in a booth at Rosie's. She had to push him out of the booth and onto the floor to get him to stop.This is the first time Hannah started thinking about suicide. In this moment Clay seemed to realize that he was listening to the story of someone who was giving up. Still listening, Clay decides to head towards Rosie's (which was the next stop on the map); on his way he sees the Crestmont Theater, him and Hannah worked there that summer. The only reason he got the job was to be close to her, but he always let the rumors about her stand in the way of telling her how he truly felt. Tape 7 was about when Hannah ignored Zach Dempsey's when he attempted to comfort her after the incident with Marcus. Zach ended up stealing notes of encouragement left for Hannah by classmates in her Peer Communications class. After this Hannah was showing obvious signs of depression. When she caught Zach he ran out of the room and she watched him run down the hall away from as she was yelling, “Why?” with tears running down her face. Tape 8; Hannah meets Ryan Shaver in a poetry class and really trusts him; that is, until he stole a very personal poem of Hannah's and published it, leading to more ridicule for Hannah. It was symbolising Hannah and her struggle of loving herself.

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