Food Inc Documentary

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The movie “Food Inc” explains how the changes in the food industry took place. They start off with mentioning that McDonalds was the first restaurant to launch a revolutionary concept of factory-like food preparation where the workers were taught how to do only one thing. McDonalds and other tremendous corporations control the production of such ingredients as beef, pork, lettuce, tomatoes. Later on, the documentary tells a story of how farmers raise chickens. Carole, the farmer, calls the situation the farming industry is in right now as “not farming, but mass production.” Political and economic situation makes farmers use antibiotics, dark-tunnel non-ventilated farm houses and other features in order to stay in business. It leads to negative …show more content…

NAFTA production system caused many Mexico’s farmers to go out of business, and American food corporations opened their doors for farmer immigrants from Mexico that couldn’t find jobs elsewhere. Today illegal immigrants who work for those corporations are being persecuted, but corporations are left with no attention. Not all the corporations are bad though, such companies as Stonyfield, a large producer of yogurt, use ecologically clean resources and have decent company policies. Walmart is trying to keep up with a new wave of ecologically clean produce as well. Meanwhile, there is an explanation why many other stores prefer selling processed foods. The farmers that are supposed to provide stores with fresh produce are forced to go out of business because they can’t protect themselves from the influence of agricultural corporations that sell seeds. It is a norm now, that when someone genetically modifies a crop, they own it. This is why today many farmers are prohibited from saving their own seeds. Monsanto is one of the largest agricultural companies that produces the seeds and sells it to farmers. Many farmers have been sued by Monsanto for the policy violations. Such corporations as Monsanto are so powerful that they can dictate their own rules to the whole society. They may get into the lawsuits just to show the extent of their

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