Five Theories Of Human Development Essay

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In our last class, we discussed five different theories about how we, as humans, develop. Along with that, we talked a little about each of the theorists that are associated with the different theories. Environmental learning, biological maturation, cognitive, humanistic, and psychoanalytical. The theories about how we develop are all very different and definitely have aspects to them that resonates with me and make a lot of sense. I truly believe that the debate as to which theory is correct will forever be on going. The way that someone develops and turns out as a person is completely different in each case. For me, the cognitive theory makes the most sense. It touches on the sides of nature and nurture, which is irrefutably part of a developing human. On the nature side, genetics are what makes you who you are physically. Eye color, hair color, height, etc. On the other hand, you have the nurture side of the debate. Your environment has the greatest impact on one's development. This is something else that can’t be denied. Your SES, family dynamics, or even a traumatic childhood event. All of these things shape someone into the person that they become. Genetically speaking, we don’t have a say in what we look like when we are developing in the womb. As a small child, we also can’t help …show more content…

I feel comfortable speaking about Freud because I have some prior knowledge of him and his ideas from an Intro to Psychology class I took in eleventh grade. Freud has the idea that everything that helps us become who we are is because of dark and disturbing thoughts our unconscious mind may bring up. For anyone that agrees with Freud, or goes about life with his ideologies, they would have a different view than someone who agrees with the humanistic theory. They might say that you are who you are because you made yourself that

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