Does Freud's Theories Affect The Development Of Human Psychosis?

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Sigmund Freud spent most of his life analysing the mind in order to better understand the development of the human psyche. He noticed that most of his patients had symptoms which derived from early traumas in their lives. He went on to find that the unconscious mind of people plays a key role in the shaping of our development. This meant that environmental factors from an early stage in our lives often led to a chain of developments throughout our lives. This led to the belief that every human act is caused by a previous event due to how the chemicals in our brain react to it. Based on this understanding Freud concluded that there is no such thing as free will, and that a deterministic principle causes different human behaviors. Freud believed that this foundational notion had relevance for psychiatry, especially for the theory of and remedy for human neurosis because it gave a guideline to understand why certain people act the way they do, and showed how …show more content…

They might bury that thought in their subconscious, which would lead to the child not remembering that past, but his subconscious is still aware of it and that traumatic incident will have key effects on how he reacts to situations throughout his life. One of the key methods to deal with neuroses is by attempting to have the patient recall the incident from his or her childhood and then help them deal with their past. If this patient is then able to overcome their past, they are usually found to live a much happier life. This method thought up by Sigmund Freud made him one of the most controversial people of the 20th century. However, due to the level of success found by using Sigmund Freud's methods, we have made great strides in helping people become better. Before Sigmund Freud it was often believed that however a person acts is because that's the type of person they are without having any other factors affecting their

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