Fitness Research Paper

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I don’t see Fitness for Life as a “required class”. I see fitness for life as a class for building muscles and character, pushing yourself, burning calories, and staying in shape. Most importantly, I want to learn about workouts, learn how to do them right, and also improve on my personal records for both cardio and lifting weights. And that’s what I’m going to talk about throughout this paper. One might be surprised at how much improvement can come in a year if he/she works hard. At the beginning of the semester, I knew that I was going to be out of shape. I did play a spring sport that helped me stay in shape for a while, but then I was on my own. I’ve biked and ran during the summer, and that’s something I enjoy doing. I enjoy getting physical and workingout all by myself out of school. The point is, it doesn’t matter where you are in life, …show more content…

Squats worked hard on your legs. I love to work on my legs because I like to have power while skating in hockey. So I did a lot of squats this semester, both front and back squat. We also had to learn the saftey concepts to squatting. There’s 5 things you need to know: Have an athletic stance which is feet-shoulders width apart, feet and toes are alligned, your eyes are forward, bar on shoulders, and have a good partner to motivate you. You also had to make sure to break parallel at 90 degrees with your legs. It can be very dangerous to our body if we don’t learn the concepts. I did have some stress with the Cooper’s test because I don’t really like long distance running. It’s definitely a challenge for me to run for a long time. I did really good though when I’ve tested. I did the Copper’s test three times in the semester. My first number of laps I did was totaled at 19. Then, my best score was 21 laps, which was a total of one and three quarters of a mile. This was a tough but big achievment for me since I ran for twelve minutes straight without

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