First Step To Success Essay

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They are often looked upon in a negative light, seen as unstable. There are programs for children who have been classified as emotionally disturbed or for those that are at risk of developing such behavior. Such a classification can affect a child’s ability to learn and ability to do well in school. These children may also have trouble interacting with other children at school. There are many programs that have been developed to help children to adapt to their school surroundings and to succeed in school. First Step to Success First Step to Success is a program developed by Hill M. Walker, Ph.D. He is a research scientist at the Oregon Research Institute, as well as a professor at the University of Oregon. (Institution of Education Sciences, 2012) First Step to Success is a supplemental early intervention program for kindergarten through the third grade that is used for students who are classified as being at risk for developing aggressive or anti-social behavior. The program is comprised of three modules: screening, school intervention, and parent training. The teachers use a screening tool to rate children based on a standardized scale and the actual definition of antisocial behavior to select students. Then there is the school intervention module where the school focuses on the reduction of problem behaviors and the implementation of social behavior. A behavioral coach is brought in to instruct the teacher on the processes and techniques required to introduce the program into the classroom. Students are then taught how to recognize inappropriate behaviors and learn to replace them with appropriate behaviors. The rest of the class is taught ways to constructive ways to support the student or students who are working on their beh... ... middle of paper ... ...the three modules builds upon the other to create improvement. Also, First Step to Success has been found to have “positive effects on external behavior, potentially positive effects of emotional/ internal behavior, social outcomes, and other academic performances,” which is more than the findings for Coping Power. (Institute of Education Sciences, 2012) It was found to have “positive effects on positive effects of external behavior and potentially positive effects on social outcomes.” (Institute of Education Sciences, 2011) Lastly, First Step to Success is more cost effective than Coping Power. The total cost of Coping Power can exceed $10,000 just for eight students, and the cost for eight students to participate in First Step to Success would only be $4,000. Both programs have some great qualities, but I find First Step to success to be more successful. Closing

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