First Semester Mistakes

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Making mistakes is part of human nature, but what do you do when you make such a fatal error that it could ruin your entire future? That is how I felt after my first semester of college. I ended that semester with a 1.8 GPA and was placed on academic probation. Not only did I fail academically, I lost sight of my values. I felt as though I was condemned to be a bad student forever. Little did I know then, my first semester mistakes would actually be a blessing in disguise. These mistakes led me to become the person that I am today. The first way I ended up changing in response to my first semester mistakes, was to completely alter the way I perceived my role as a student. I began to invest more effort in my studies. I knew if I wanted to redeem my past mistakes, I would have to hold myself accountable for my academic success. I made it my objective to perform well in school. It took time, but I was remembering how much I enjoyed school. Achieving high marks on the quizzes and tests provided me with the motivation to continue to study hard for the next ones. I remembered how much I valued mastering new and challenging material. With my new attitude and work ethic, …show more content…

Failing and hitting rock bottom made me realize what my values are and where my passions lie. I discovered that I did not want to go through life only putting in minimal effort. I learned that I want to apply myself to the fullest extent. Now I work for objectives that are valuable and worthwhile endeavors and my passions continue to grow. If I did not fail during that first semester and did just average, I may have continued to coast through college and life. I may not have sought such enriching extracurricular professional experiences. I may not have discovered that I have a passion for helping others. I may have just settled for any type of career instead of finding my true calling in

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