Facing and Overcoming Fear: A Firefighter's Journey

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How many times in our life have we faced something that scared us or made us nervous? What did you do? Did you run away or did you face your fear and overcome it? From a young child that faces a challenge of going to sleep fighting the monsters under the bed to an aging adult fearing death, we all have something that we fear and make an internal decision to avoid or face it. Growing up I knew I always wanted to be a firefighter. I remember as a young child I would occasionally visit my uncle at his fire station, and from the second I walked in I was hit with the smell of soot coming from the yellow tinged bunker gear, or the massive size of the iconic fire truck! The best part was when he would allow me to step into the coveted captain’s seat of this massive truck. …show more content…

I’ve never wanted something more in my young life than to be a firefighter, I had to have it! I was an innocent child during these times that only focused on the sights and sounds of the job. It was glamourous to be looked at by other citizens as a hero! 14 years passed before I visited by uncle’s fire station again, but one thing remained the same, the smell of the gear and the beauty of the fire truck! As I grew older, the thought of becoming a firefighter was no longer about the sights and sounds but more about helping others in their desperate hours. I wanted to make a positive impact in someone life that they would remember forever. One question I didn’t ask myself throughout the years was would I be willing to enter very hazardous situations risking my life in order to save another? Did I have the courage to put a stranger’s life before my own? Was this something that was already answered from something inside me that I did not know of? I’ve never had to make a life or death

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