Final Shot

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It was Feburary 3, 2005 it was my championship game. I still can't believe you

didn't go to that game Kenny. It was the best game that I played in my whole career of

basketball. It all started when I was listening to my CD player I was already in my zone

so at game time I got on the court with my team warming up talking about the other

teams best player. I was trying to get warmed up properly so I wouldn't get injured in the

game it was just to important for me to miss out on. Time must have been flying because

before I knew it the buzzered had sounded and the game was about to begin. We talked to

our coach and he told us to go out there and have fun because win or lose we still are the

champions in our heart. As we got to the middle of the court everybody shaked each

others hands and then everybody stood in there places. The ref tossed the ball in the air

my teammate slapped it towards me and right away I had my first two points of the game.

In the first half I was on a roll I had 20 points but Anthony the star of the other team had

25 points and the lead of the game as the score at half time was 45 to 40. In the final

quarter of the game it was time for me to take over the game as I went head to head

against Anthony each of scoring one after the other trying to see who would give up first.

It was 95 to 94 10 seconds left in the fourth quarter I had the ball in my hand while

Anthony played defense on me i took him to the right pulled up for the jump shot nothing

but net I had scored my 45th point of the game. The crowd went while as did I. I felt like

Jordan for that one moment but Anthony's team had the final shoot with 4 seconds on the

clock. I knew in my mind that it was up to me to stop him from scoring. Anthony gets the

ball takes me to thew left a pick is set up for him leaving him wide open and I just closed

my eyes as I hear the crowd roar as the buzzered sound and then I see my teammates

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