Fiji Greeting

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Fiji dancing and greetings.

Australia is so boring nothing ever happens we just sit around watching Netflix waiting for a good movie to come out at the cinemas. The closet thing we have to a “tradition” is cooking our meat on the Barbie. But Fiji is a place full of culture and traditions. If you travel to Australia its full of angry blokes who would yell “bloody hell” and call you an idiot if you simply ask for directions. But in Fiji the Pearson you meet would give a smile and give you a welcoming greeting.

Another reason why Fiji is wonderful place is because nature surrounding it beautiful beaches, coconut trees, the green grass and the temples are just amazing the closet thing us aussies have to a temple is a tall building in a loud …show more content…

But most of Fiji is not land in fact only 10 % of Fiji is land the other is just water.

We should be like all the lovely people in Fiji happily dancing, sharing foods and actually welcoming others personally and did you know the locals from Fiji are some of the kindest people in the world. The Fijians are pretty easy-going, but if you are invited into a village, wear modest clothing and take off your hat (wearing one is an insult to the chief) when in a village you should leave your shoes outside the door when entering a home.

In Fiji there are wonderful dances with there on titles some examples would be the meke, the poi dance and the indo Fijian dance but I will only be talking about the Fijian meke

The Fijian Meke
The most popular traditional Fijian dance is the meke, which is a combination of dance and story, which is communicated through song. Both men and women perform in the meke, and the dance is viewed as a group. In which men are expected to demonstrate strong movements, while women are expected to be graceful and feminine. There are lost of different versions of the meke, such as the war dance, the spear dance (for men only), the men or women’s fan dance and the sitting dance. Mekes are performed on special occasions and at cultural nights held by major resorts. The dancing and chanting are accompanied by rhythmic clapping and beating of the lali, a traditional

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