Fight Or Flight Response Research Paper

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In many situations men tend to react with fight or flight. When they are faced with an uncomfortable situation or a situation they don’t know how to deal with, they leave or start an argument leading to a fight. Fight or flight response is a biochemical reaction that we experience during intense stress or fear. Emma Gray, Daniel Barret, and Christine Hsu all give evidence on the fight or flight response commonly found in men. In an article by Emma Gray, she says, “Men respond to stress with fight or flight while women tend and befriend”. In many experiments done on men, it had shown men responding differently than women. Several scientist have done experiments that prove that men have an extra Y chromosome that makes them respond this way. It might all come down to the “gene that only men have, called the SRY gene”( Gray). The SRY gene comes in play when certain hormones are released and trigger the fight or flight response. Christine Hsu explains, “Under stress, men become more aggressive”. Their heart rate and blood pressure increase and make men become more aggressive than they usually are. …show more content…

When I was two, my dad left. I was left with my mom, older brother, and sister on the way. I have noticed the same kind of behavior in my brother now. My brother tends to run away when the situation at home gets hard or if he becomes uncomfortable talking about a sore subject. My step- dad has also been faced with stress in his work and situations at home. If my parents ever get in a fight, my dad gets mad and yells and walks out and goes for a drive. In an article by Emma gray, she says, “Men favor punching or running away” in a stressful situation. Although I have no experienced a violent situation in my house, it is very common for men to react this way. In the end, I have experienced more flight than fight but have seen in more in my brother and dad than in my mom and

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