Tough Guise 2 Essay

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Tough Guise 2 was an extremely interesting movie that discussed male violence and the American culture. I was overly intrigued by how this movie would play out. I went into it thinking they probably would have just blamed violent video games and movies or TV shows, but this was so much more than that. Tough Guise 2 began by illustrating the issues of de-gendering in news stories, articles and headlines regarding violent crimes. This would include stating “The shooter” or using some other generic phrase to describe the person who was the main cause of these crimes when, in fact, men are the leading cause of most of these crimes. De-gendering brings the issue away from just one gender and instead places it as a crime of a specific group, usually of age or race. The fact that we are constantly glossing over that most violent crimes are played out by men is probably one of the most important things touched on in this video. This also leads into the fact that people interpret male violence and aggression as natural. They’ll pin it as something hardwired from ‘the hunter-gatherer days’. Often times they’ll also blame it on media violence, such as graphic video games, movies and TV shows. This is something much broader than that.
Male aggression and violence is often times seen as normal and natural is because we, as a culture, encourage it, …show more content…

Tough Guise also backs the point that gender performance is a very culture heavy. The main point to tie in with the class would probably have to be that the way these men act is because of a cultural construction of gender that states that all men are supposed to be violent or aggressive. This then sweeps the main issue of cultural conditioning under the rug. All in all, Tough Guise 2 was an enlightening and interesting video. I would strongly suggest that everyone watch this film at least once because it provides such heavy insight into how we shape each other’s

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