Feminist Synthesis Essay

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The first point in Lorber’s text that I found that was interesting was within the section where she began to discuss feminism’s second and third waves. “Men are thus the first sex, and women always the second sex” (Lorber 3). This point is interesting because it reveals the gender constructs of society. American society, as well as others around the world, are patriarchal and the people (men) in positions of power are focused on keeping the focal point on men and not shifting the focus or power to anyone else who isn’t a man or their version of what a healthy productive male within their society is. In American society, a healthy productive male is a white man. If you’re not a white man who lives in America (or a white woman), you are automatically placed in a lower tier for the rest of your life. If you’re a woman in America, you are automatically placed in a lower tier for the rest of your life, and you have to work three times as hard as a man to survive. This …show more content…

“The logical outcome of liberal feminism is a society that is not based on dividing people into two, and only two, separate and distinct sex-gender categories” (Lorber 45). This point is interesting to me because of the way that feminism is generally viewed in society. Many people believe that feminism is man-hating and that the movement is only interested in uplifting and empowering women and taking power away from men. While most of that statement is true, there is more to the goal of feminism than those factors. First of, feminism is man-hating, and while it is about taking power away from men, it is not about leaving men powerless. Feminism is inclusive, and is about equality between men and women, and equality for all genders and people. Society and the media needs to research the core value and what feminism is based on in order to eliminate this bad wrap that the movement is

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