Feminism Reflective Essay

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When I hear the term Feminism I automatically think its about doing things for women, and what they stand for, so I didn't really have a good idea about it. So I went online and looked it up. "Feminism consists of ideas and beliefs about what culture is like for women just because they are women, compared to what the world is like for men just because they are men. In ethical terms, this form or aspect of feminism is descriptive. The assumption in feminism is that women are not treated equally to men, and that women are disadvantaged in comparison to men" (http://womenshistory.about.com/od/feminism/a/feminism.htm). I have to say I definitely agree that women and are not treated the same as men, and I don't think we ever will. Theres a saying I believe it is "its a mans world", I don't know if I believe that. I just feel like men were always held …show more content…

I know in my relationship my man and I treat each other the same, there really isn't anything that he can do that I can't do. Growing up in my household, I had older brothers, and my parents both worked, so I learned how to take care of a house, clean, do the laundry, cook and all that at a young age, I feel like all women should know how to do this. I also feel like some men need to get off there high horse and stop thinking that they are better than us. Another example is women and men in a work place, now in certain companies you will have the harassment, and I feel like that would be for both men and women, but more for the women. Pay wise we are not fully treated the same. The way it all comes down to in todays world is, the way you were raise if you are raise not to care about women, and to disrespect them, then thats wrong, you should be raised as equal, and how you should treat people the way you want to be

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