Feminism In The Simpsons

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In this episode of The Simpsons, Lisa disputes with the makers of the Malibu Stacy doll to make a less sexist and more of a feminist doll. When the creators of the doll won’t listen to her argument about how the dolls are changing their society to teach young girls to depend on men in their lives, because she is simply a child, Lisa gets help from Mr. Smithers. He has collected all the Malibu Stacy dolls which Lisa asks him to help find the original creator of the doll hoping the creator can help create this new doll. Lisa tracks down Miss Lovell, the creator of the doll and together they created Lisa Lionheart to try and create a doll which would positively affect the lives of young girls. The Simpsons satirize everyday life such as We start hearing about feminism in the scene where the doll speaks for the first time saying things such as, “I wish they taught shopping in school”, “Let’s bake some cookies for the boys”, and “Don’t ask me, I’m just a girl”. The effect of these dolls on societies were illustrated when Marge, who is Lisa’s mother, was speaking the same words as Malibu Stacy. This was clearly a very sexist doll which Lisa did not agree with and wanted to make a more feminist doll. There were multiple techniques of satire to show how the world has been affected by sexism, such as parody, irony, and exaggeration. The parody presented in The Simpsons was how the Malibu Stacy doll was mocking the commonly known Barbie doll and how it’s affecting our young generation of girls and how Barbie is a bad role model for these girls. The second technique was previously mentioned about Marge repeating the same phrases as the doll. This clip pointed out Marge saying that she played with the dolls when she was younger and she turned out fine, but then proceeded to repeat a Malibu Stacy saying. Lastly exaggeration was noted in the episode by how extreme the sexist phrases were because in today’s society we wouldn’t typically hear those old school phrases. In conclusion sexism and feminism was a huge part in this episode to show how sexism is still a big problem in our daily

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