Fed Up Documentary

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In the movie Fed Up, the premise of the documentary is that sugar is the primary culprit in the obesity rates of Americans. The movie throws around some impressive statistics:
• A 20-ounce bottle of soda contains the equivalent of approximately 17 teaspoons of sugar
• 98% of food related ads that children view are for products high in fat, sugar, sodium
• In 2012, Americans consumed an average of 765 grams of sugar every 5 days, or 130 pounds each year.

Fed Up does a great job addressing the sugar issue and bringing it to our attention; however, as a group exercise instructor and soon to be health care provider, the information didn’t come as a shock as sugar is only one facet of the health care monster. Never was there much detail around processed foods or the lack of exercise/activity among our young adults. …show more content…

Katie Couric, the host of the documentary, mentioned two policies that could help reduce obesity in America: (1) adding warning labels on cans of soda and (2) requiring celebrities who are promoting junk food be required to pitch a vegetable ad too. Using that logic, would it then be safe to assume that adding warning labels to alcohol would stop drunk driving? Or lower the rates of alcoholism? What about adding warning labels to illegal drugs? Will adding the warning stop the addiction or stop the sale of illegal drugs? I’m not sure it will.

Several children and families are followed throughout the movie on their weight-loss journey. Most of the children lost weight when the weight-loss effort began in the home. Parents purchased whole foods and vegetables. Nutrition labels were read in the grocery store (although the focus was sugar content), and poor food choices were left at the grocery store. Less processed foods were purchased and healthy, home cooking was planned involving the

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