Faust Decisions

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Nowadays, we all know that choosing what someone wants in his life and therefore, direct his destination, is a matter of self-decision, so we may conclude that the human being is the creator of his or her own way, and thus, is the one responsible for his or her own evils and bad decisions. Nonetheless, we also know that sometimes there are external factors that can push people into making certain decisions that may affect them negatively without they even realizing it completely. In the play Faust by Johann Goethe, decision-making power is concentrated in the main character that is Faust. This man is someone who is not satisfied with his current situation and does not really want to take his life the way it is. In addition, the figure of Mephistopheles is present, which could have made Faust more inclined to make bad decisions and to fall to the tricks of evil. However, I believe that if Faust had firm principles and human values, he would not have fallen into the traps of Mephistopheles. Therefore, I think that Faust should not be forgiven as, in my opinion, he is responsible for all the decisions he has made and that he should have overcome those temptations. …show more content…

Many of those tests may seem complicated, but in the end, they all share a common denominator, which is the basic choice between knowing what is right and what is wrong. This commonality is present in our story where the protagonist is truly free, until Satan's traps help him take the wrong path and mark a fateful destiny. In the play, it can be clearly told how good and evil lives within the protagonist, who is the one who has to decide which way to go. Human beings are always in situations where they must make decisions and Faust should know what is right and what is wrong. In our story, Faust is the one who has to make his decisions and he should be able to know what is right and what is

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