Characteristics Of Doctor Faustus Antihero

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There seems to be quite a debate on whether Faustus is a tragic hero or an antihero. Many people describe an antihero as someone who is “flawed,” a character that is corrupted, selfish, full of arrogance, and one who lacks heroic characteristics. An antihero can also be, the protagonist. In the play, Doctor Faustus, Christopher Marlowe starts by describing Faustus’s accomplishments and gives the audience a background of where he comes from, where he was born, who his parents were, etc. Faustus soon realizes that even though God has given him the skills and intelligence to accomplish his aspirations, he still does not possess any “real” power. He is not satisfied with his knowledge and decides to practice black magic. “Necromantic books are …show more content…

He showed great knowledge, and, in fact, he was considered to be brilliant. He was a doctor, a lawyer, a philosopher, and a theologian. Although, Faustus had everything any man could ever need, he soon grew tired of it and craved more. Nothing was enough for Faustus, he was never pleased; he always craved more than what he could have. “Waxen wings did not mount above his reach, and, melting, heavens conspired his overthrow/ falling to his devilish exercise” (I.i.21-22). He was not content with having the knowledge he possessed. “Such is the subject of the institute and universal body of the law/this study fits a mercenary drudge/who aims at nothing but external trash” (I.i.32-35). Faustus’s decisions is what makes him selfish. He never uses his knowledge to help people instead, he decides to practice witchcraft for his own benefit. He believes that by practicing black magic he will have “power,” “honor,” and “omnipotence” (I.i.53). Faustus gave everything he had, he gave up being a doctor just to satisfy his yearnings. “What doctrine call you this? What will be, shall be/ Divinity, adieu” (I.i.44-47). Faustus showed selfishness when he agreed to sell his soul to Lucifer. “Ay, Mephostophilis, I’ll give it to him” (II.i.48). Faustus knew what he was getting himself into when he agreed to sell his soul to Lucifer in trade for twenty-four years of Mephostophilis’s service. “So he will buy my service with his soul/Faustus hath …show more content…

Faustus believed that he was already damned to hell and could not be saved by God. “Faustus’ offense can ne’er be pardoned: the serpent that tempted Eve may be saved, but not Faustus” (IV.i.41-42). Faustus was foolish to believe that hell was the place for him. Once he got a glimpse of his future in hell, he was afraid and needed to “save his soul”. “A year, a month, a week, a natural day that Faustus may repent and save his soul” (IV.i.140-142). He asked Lucifer to “spare” him, but he soon realized that it was too late. ”O, spare me, Lucifer-Where is it now? / ‘Tis gone: and see where God”

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