Fast Food Begins In The Home Summary

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Daniel Weintraub in the article, “The Battle of Fast Food Begins in the Home”, argues that parents not fast food companies are to blame for kids obesity problem. Weintraub supports his argument by explaining that parents but not fast food companies, nor the government are in the best position of overweight children. The authors purpose is to inform and raise awareness that parents need to take responsibility so that the children learn how to eat healthy. The author writes in an informal tone for adults with children at home.

I support and am a strong believer in Weintraub's argument. He uses many statistics, and persuades you as to who's to blame for the problem with overweight children in a strong and strict, but mannerable way. “It is parents, who are responsible for teaching kids healthy eating and exercise habits.” Weintraub quotes. Responsibility is a strong thing and is taught at a early on age, sometimes parents may lack that habit that will later benefit their child. Parents have a lot of influence on their children from the day that child is born. “The danger in will-meaning studies and, even more, in lawsuits against the fast food industry, is that they send a message to parents and kids alike that obesity is somebody else's fault.” Weintraub says. I agree because you shouldn't blame your mistake onto someone else, that is …show more content…

It is hard in this generation to teach kids to be active in this generation, especially with all the new technology however it is possible, anything is possible. It doesn't take much to tell a child “no” actually. Parents set grounds for their kids when they're young that later teaches them that what they tell them to do is for their own

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