Farming In The United States

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In the U.S there are not a lot of farms do to lack of knowledge and supplies given to farmers. Farmers are running low on supplies to supply high quality food for all families and stores. Vegetarians are running low on food options do to low food supply from farmers, also farming is going downhill quickly with the little amount of information that people have on farming. People need to give farmers nice farmland and provide better knowledge about farming.

For starters, farmers should get more land for farming. The more fields that the farmers have the more crops that they can grow for us to eat. Vegan and vegetarian people need more food that fits their diet. Vegetarians can only eat fruit and vegetables, that food only comes from farms. When we run out of farms, farmers will have no more milk to offer us to drink. It is very hard to farm when there is no farmland.

Farming is going downhill. The Census of Agriculture said, “the amount of cropland harvested was nearly 2 percent more in 2012 than 2007.” That means that farming is not as good as it used to be. It is much harder to find farmland, and the prices of dairy products and seeds are going …show more content…

Milk, butter, cheese, carrots, corn, and much more all come from farms. All farm fresh food comes from a farm of course, but all food in stores and all food on your dinner table comes from a farm. Also, more than 80 percent of the world’s food is still produced by family farmers. Only a small part of food comes from a factory, but that food is not healthy at all for you. Only a small part of food comes from a factory, but that food is not healthy at all for you. A regular trip to a farmers market is one of the best ways to connect with where your food comes from. Meeting and talking to farmers is a great opportunity to learn more about how and where food is produced. When you pick out food it helps to know where you food comes from and who to buy it

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