Effects Of Farming Over Time

1075 Words3 Pages

Social Studies Toby Treasure
Schott/Martain 4/17/14
How Has Farming Changed Over Time?

It is a fact that around Twenty two million American workers process, produce, and trade the nation's food and fiber. But around only 4.6 million of those american people live on the farms. Slightly less than 2 percent of the total U.S. Population ("Goodman"). This means that a lot of U.S farmers work at factories. This informational piece starts in the Middle Ages and goes all the way to farming today. Farming has changed a lot over time.
Farming has changed a lot over time, new technology has been invented, more food can now be produced, and more farms have opened. Most of the new technology that has been invented for farming was made to make farming faster. In the 18th century horses and oxen were used for power, hay and grain cutting was done with a sickle, cultivating by hoe threshing was done with a flail, ("Spielmaker"). A lot also happened in the 17th century; The scythe and cradle was introduced, the invention of cotton gin in 1793, Thomas Jefferson's plow with a moldboard with the least resistance tested (1794) ("Spielmaker"). A very common fertilization technique in the middle age was called "marling". The technique Marling is when a farmer would spread clay which contained lime carbonate on to their soil. This process restored the nutrients needed to grow crops. Some farmers also used manure as a fertilizer which they got from livestock they raised ("Newman"). Farmers had a spring and a fall crop....

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...grow more crops are a good thing but these fertilizers also make the food filled with chemicals ("Goodman 4"). A lot of good has happened though, farmers have enrolled a total of 31 million acres in the conservation reserve program to protect the environment and provide the environment and provide a habitat for wildlife. Inception in 1985, the program has helped reduce soil erosion by 622 million tons and restored more than 2 million acres of Westland ("Goodman 4").
As this informational piece says new inventions, injections, livestock, strategies for farming, and much more has changed a lot over time. Although a lot of new things has been invented and farming has become a lot faster, injections, factory farming, and much more has been invented that is not healthy for people. The question still stands, "has farming gotten better or worse over time?"

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