Family Decision Making Model Essay

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The EHDI Family Decision-Making Model (Figure 1) was created to provide a graphic illustration of the study findings, and to synthesize concepts, categories and relationships. Our first research question asked, “How do decisions relate to the family context of perspective, priorities, values, personality and resources?” In the EHDI Family Decision-Making Model, the context of family is the system, or environment, in which decision-making operates, represented by a core circle. Demographic features related to decision-making included the family’s socio-economic level, the child’s level of hearing, and availability of services. Personal characteristics shaped by culture and experience, including perspectives, priorities and personalities, may …show more content…

Families described two primary characteristics that they desired in professionals: competence in knowledgebase and skills, and ability to cultivate a relationship. When queried about systems, they wanted effective and accessible services. The Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (2013) reflects these priorities in its listing of knowledge and skills of early intervention providers, with family-professional partnerships, decision-making and family support identified components of family-centered …show more content…

Services should be provided in a manner that considers “resources, priorities, and concerns” of the family. For example, transportation, cost of services, and childcare issues may limit a family’s ability to participate fully and make certain choices. Effective early interventionists must carefully consider the family context. In this study the rating scales were used effectively as catalysts for discussion to help understand the family’s views and priorities for their child and family. Elements included in these instruments may be worth consideration as the provider strives to understand the environmental factors that describe the family ecological

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