Failure 3rd Grade

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I almost failed third grade. When I was younger I didn’t care about my performance in school, and I saw school as an opportunity to talk with friends and goof off away from home. School had no purpose for me back then. The lessons and homework were just obstacles keeping me from being the class clown or talking with my friends. Fourth grade was better; however, the teachers of that grade were more lenient and forgiving. I got away with more than I did in previous years. Then fifth grade arrives. The teachers were very serious and not forgiving. If I would’ve tried harder I would probably have different views about that year but, to me, it is still the worst year of school I’ve ever had. I missed a great deal of assignments and I talked a lot in class which brought my grade down fast. That was the closest I’ve ever been to failing a class. …show more content…

In one teachers class I never payed attention and spent the whole hour talking to people the whole year. I had more encouragement from teachers than I had in the past that year but I still didn’t care for school. My grades were higher than they were in elementary but at parent/teacher conferences the instructors still had many comments about my behavior in and out of the classroom. Seventh grade started out really shaky but a little over a month into it I got a girlfriend and I figured I should try a little harder in classes. I acted sort of better and I sort of did better on assignments but I still wasn’t pushing myself to my full potential. My grades grew slightly from sixth to seventh but still were nothing to talk

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