FAFSA Scholarship

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I am applying for this scholarship to help me pay for college. As everyone knows it is very expensive and sometimes hard to pay for all the things involved. My family is doing everything they can to help pay for my college. One of the biggest obstacles we have faced is applying for the FAFSA. My parents do make a lot of money, but they both have student loans they have to pay. My mom has two majors so she has a lot of money to pay back to school. While applying to FAFSA, these factors are not taken into consideration so we did not get as much money as we had hoped. If I am selected to win this scholarship, it would be greatly appreciated and would help me in many ways to continue my education. My family is very close, we are able to talk …show more content…

In the future I want to be an ER nurse. To be a nurse, some characteristics that I need to have are: compassion, honesty, kindness and devotion. I already have many of these qualities but believe that they can always be improved. Everyone can always be more kind or compassionate. Since I am going into the medical field, I need to have people skills and be able to work well with a variety of people. I am able to work with many different people and get a job done well. I believe that going to college in a bigger city will help prepare me for different things in life. Although Fairfield has done a great job in making me the person I am today, going to a big city will allow me to learn even more about myself and the world around me. Some of the classes that I will need to take in college involve working with others. Something I have been told is that listening is key in many college classes. Listening and being able to communicate are also important qualities I need to have in my future. To be successful in my career I just need to be an overall positive person. I know this can be hard at times, but I hope that college will be able to help motivate me to do what I have been striving to be my whole

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