Explore the features of the language used in digital communications which suggest that they are closer to spoken rather than written language. Com...

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There are many diverse ways in which people communicate depending on certain factors, such as who is speaking, who they’re talking to, what their purpose is and the mode. For example, people tend to use informal language and Non-standard English when speaking to their friends, whereas they will use more formal language in certain situations such as a job interview to show that they have a high status and are well-educated. Other factors which may affect the way we speak including our accent and dialect are; age, geography, heritage, gender, social class, occupation and sexuality.
The main differences between spoken and written language are that spoken language is ephemeral, usually informal and one can also use facial expressions, pitch, volume and pace to aid meaning. In contrast, writing is formal, has a permanence and it is more difficult to express oneself as you can only use punctuation and sentence structure to do this. Another vital difference is that speech is spontaneous because of its speed but writing is planned and prepared mainly because it is permanent.
Written language is often prepared and planned because once something is written down it has permanence and is static so therefore thought is required before writing. On the other hand, spontaneity and speed makes it more difficult to plan talk and because spoken language is ephemeral, it is also easy to repeat or reformulate what you have said if necessary. In Text A, non-fluency features like fillers are used by both participants which have several effects on the receiver and the fillers occur particularly when replying to a question. In the conversation, fillers such as ‘hmm’ and ‘ermm’ are used which would be seen as a way to allow the speaker some thinking time...

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...that digital communication allows them to enhance their literacy skills which has also been reinforced by scientists such as Psychologist Dr Clane Wood who said in a report for the daily mail that “Texting also appears to be a valuable form of contact between written English for many Children, which enables them to practice reading and spelling on a daily basis.” Parents and teachers Concerns
‘Britain’s rich fund of slang is fast dwindling.’ Vanessa Thorpe, From the Observer, October 1999
Online talk is a type of multi-modal talk – it’s a written form that contains elements of spoken language.
In an article for Time Ideas, John McWhorter briefly sums up digital communications by stating that ‘texting properly isn’t writing at all — it’s actually more akin to spoken language. And it’s a spoken language that is getting richer and more complex by the year’

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