Explain Why We Should Dodgeball Be Banned In Schools

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Weak. Strong. Winner. Loser. All labels put on children who are just playing a game. The game of dodgeball being played in schools is a somewhat controversial issue. Many oppose it being played in schools, others support it. Dodgeball allows children relax and let out their anger and stress, once dodgeball is banned other games will be banned for the most trivial reasons, and dodgeball teaches kids that life isn’t always fair.Dodgeball should be played in schools because it can be a fun game for kids and can even teach them some life lessons.
Children of today have so much stress and anger because of school or even home issues. Stress needs to be relieved, it’s better a child unwinds while playing a game of dodgeball rather than taking more …show more content…

The game requires too little or too much physical activity, it has to go. A child is accidentally hurt during a game, the game must be made illegal. Rick Reilly in The Weak Shall Inherit the Gym again states, “Seriously. So, if we give them dodgeball, you can look for these games to be banned next: Tag. Referring to any child as it is demeaning and hurtful. Instead of the child hollering, ‘You’re it!’ we recommend, ‘You’re special!’...Capture the flag. Mimics war. Kick the can. Unfair to the can. If we let these PC twinkies have their way, we’ll be left with: Duck-duck-duck. Teacher spends the entire hour patting each child softly on the head.” (lines 34 - 39 & 43 - 46) Children don’t think about how the game is unfair, they think How do I win? Who should I aim for? Playing a game of dodgeball is a time where kids can let loose and have …show more content…

People should be treated equally and all have a fair shot at life, but life doesn’t always work like that. It’s better that children learn this sooner than later. Dodgeball can be fun but to some it can seem unfair. It can seem that the stronger kids target the weaker kids. Dodgeball can teach children one of the most crushing but important life lessons; life isn’t always fair. In The Weak Shall Inherit the Gym Reilly states, “Noooo! You mean there’s weak in the world? There’s strong? Of course there is, and dodgeball is one of the first opportunities in life to figure out which one you are and how you’re going to deal with it.” (lines 11 -14) Those who think that dodgeball is unfair were most likely those who hid in the corner afraid of being hit or losing. They are also those who have never realized that life isn’t fair, not everything will be as perfect or as equally fair as we wish.
Dodgeball is a fun game that can teach children life lessons; Dodgeball should be played in schools. Dodgeball can teach children that life isn’t fair, it allows children to let out their aggression and stress, and banning dodgeball could result in banning many other games. Without dodgeball and games like it the children of today could end up being overly sensitive, overly stressed, and deprived of fun games that are an important part of

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