Explain Why Ted Cruz Is The Zodiac Killer

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Why Ted Cruz Is the Zodiac Killer
A few years ago, renowned computer programmer Bill Gates once said, “The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.” And similar to any village, the Internet is becoming a host for the humanitarians, politicians, and citizens of the world, yet unfortunately, it has also begun to house the idiots and jackasses as well. Online, these latter two personas manifest as conspiracists and trolls respectively, and they threaten everything the Internet was designed for. By comparing conspiracy theories to trolling, it becomes clear that the Internet is failing its goal of being an open forum to promote progress through meaningful dialogue. With connectivity and technology growing at unprecedented …show more content…

By taking advantage of others on the Internet, conspiracists threaten the safety and progress of the world. For example, in 1998, the medical journal The Lancet published a solitary study that showed a correlation between the MMR vaccine and autism. Still, 18 years later, it is fueling a worldwide panic that is threatening our entire population. People fall prey to these false ideas, refuse to take vaccines, and ultimately jeopardize the safety of all humans (through herd immunity). Asides from being imperilling, conspiracists are also stagnating. The conspiracy theories they imagine threaten progress, by misleading others in a manner similar to trolls. A few years ago a study was conducted in which a group of participants were shown the movie JFK, a fictional film where Kennedy was murdered by a conspiracy within the U.S. government. The film was not a documentary and didn't claim to include real footage or real witnesses, yet, surveys of the participant's emotions after they'd finished watching the movie showed that most left with feelings of anger and hopelessness, as well as a general unwillingness to accept the official story. In another study, people who heard conspiracy theories about global warming were less interested in lowering their carbon footprint. In both cases, the theory gave them the excuse to do what they wanted to do anyway: give up. And in a world of issues, this mentality is incredibly

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