Explain Two Similes From The Song

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1.Explain two similes from the song.
“I got the eye of the tiger” what she means is she is the last time he's picking on her because the eye of a tiger is what the tigers prey sees last before death so she means she's the tiger now and he's her prey she's going to show him never to pick on her again.

“Like thunder gonna shake the ground” what she means is that she's done getting pushed around and she's gonna let everyone know that she can't be pushed around. She's going to make a point that can't be ignored like thunder and she's going to be passionate and strong and make the ground shake.

2.Explain one metaphor from the song.
“Scared to rock the boat and make a mess” what she means is that she's afraid to stand up for herself. She'd rather play it safe like if she …show more content…

She's means that when there were things she'd like to say she wouldn't. By biting her tongue and holding her breath she couldn't say anything even if she wanted to. It ties in with the next line “scared to rock the boat and make a mess” She's scared to make things worse for herself so she doesn't say anything.

4.What does she mean when she says, “I got up already brushing off the dust”?
She's always been brought down by people, but instead of lying there and just letting them walk over her, she's getting up to stand up for herself. By brushing the dust off she doesn't care about what happened she's letting it go and now she's getting ready to strike back.

5.What does she mean when she says, “I'm floating like a butterfly stinging like a bee”?
What she means is she is going to be a polite person but, she will snap and sting if it's necessary because in life you can't always be harsh or else you won't have any friends and you can't always be soft and perfect because then people could just walk all over you. She's saying I'm going to be a polite person until someone starts taking advantage of me and I'll make a

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