Examples Of Symbols In Irish Symbolism

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My Irish Project-Symbol
I Chose to my Irish culture project on symbols. I chose symbols because I liked the idea that a picture or symbol could represent so much. In this project I will talk about why symbols are important, the history of symbols and what different types of symbols relate to our culture and why they are important to us. Symbols are used as a means to express specific ideologies, social structures and represent characteristics of specific cultures. Symbols represent a place, person, legend, group or club. A symbol can be more than just a a picture or logo or brand. An example of one of these is the leprechaun, the leprechaun is a symbol of Ireland and is always associated with Ireland and Irish culture. The leprechaun has …show more content…

An example of this is: Uncle Sam and National flags. Uncle sam has always been associated with america and especially during war times. He is portrayed as a symbolism of nationalism. He wears a top hat, a suit and wears the american colours of the flag (Red, White and Blue). National flags are somewhat different from uncle sam and stereotypical symbols. Flags are a symbol of a country and usually have a deep meaning to that country. The flag is one of the most respected symbols of all time. The flag is so respected that people will burn their flag and replace their flag if their flag ever touched the ground. This is a sign of respect and is seen everywere. The irish flags meaning is the peace between nationalists and unionists. The green represents the nationalists, this is because the colour green is always associated with ireland. The orange represents the unionists, this is due to the orange order parades that unionists would do. The white is represented as the peace between the two. This has been ireland’s national flag for many years. Before the tricolour the flag was green and had a gold harp in the middle of the flag. The harp is an irish instrument and i will go into more detail about this later. The tricolour is the most known type of flag and other countries that use this include germany, france, netherlands and luxembourg.Now I will move into the more broad topic. I will be talking about the different types of symbols associated with Ireland and it’s culture. The list of irish symbols that i will tell you about include: The Harp, The Claddagh Ring, The Celtic Tree Of Life, The Shamrock and The

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