Exploring Suffering: A Theological Perspective

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Suffering Related to DC Encounter Living creatures have experienced suffering in the world for thousands of years. Suffering not only through humans, but animals as well. This begs the question to why suffering exists, or what is its purpose? One may argue that suffering will bring the individual closer to God, as for animals, it is for their own well being. Many characters from the Bible such as: Adam, Job and David, have all overcome suffering that God bestows upon them, in turn bringing them closer to him. In today’s society, humans have a tendency to inflict suffering on each other, and through animals. Holding animals captive is not a justified act in the eyes of God. The Smithsonian National Zoo is a prime example of humans wrongly …show more content…

Any form of life is sacred in the eyes of God, and we as humans are taught not to destroy or harm that; "The righteous one is caring for the soul of his domestic animal, the mercies of the wicked ones are cruel." (Proverbs 12:10) The only time we are allowed to inflict harm on another animal is to provide food, as stated in (Genesis 3:21; 9:3; Exodus 21:28). Pope John Paul II offers some insight to human and animal suffering. He demonstrates that we as humans feel physical pain as well as animals, but what sets us apart is that we have the ability to question why this evil exists. Although animals do not have the intelligence to question why they are captive, we as humans realize their sadness stems from the lack of the natural experience God has created for them in the wilderness. Through Adam, Job and David we learned to understand why God makes suffering in the world. We also learned that no matter how bad a situation is, we should never reject God’s love and praise. Holding animals captive in zoo 's results in us humans rejecting God. God created us to be stewards over animals and help and aid them through his will, not through our own will of holding them captive in zoo 's. By captivity, we are rejecting a fundamental value to honor God 's will. Besides rejecting God’s will, holding animals captive makes them more aggressive toward each other and humans. This aggression forms evil when they attack. Adam Roberts, senior vice president of Born Free USA states that holding animals captive outside their natural setting results in their aggression and sadness. Human suffering throughout creation has not only brought us closer to God, it has allowed the human race to develop a deeper compassion and love for God 's wonderful works. That very love and compassion allows us to see the true beauty of animals. It is understood that not every human

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