Examples Of Procrastination

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It’s eleven o’clock on a Tuesday night and my paper is due in an hour. Staring at a screen with about one hundred words on it I start panicking. Do I shut down or do I work on it? Knowing that, if i do finish it, I will in the late hours of Tuesday into the early hours of Wednesday. I have been in this situation many times before. I am a perfect example of what mostly all kids in school around the world experience. I am the typical procrastinator. As the Merriam-Webster defines procrastination as, “to be slow or late about doing something that should be done : to delay doing something until a later time because you do not want to do it, because you are lazy, etc.” Procrastination can be much more than that. For example, one can procrastinate
The main reason that we procrastinate is impulsiveness. Impulsiveness is telling oneself that they absolutely have to write this paper or pay some bills, but instead they go ahead and postpone it and put it off until later. “Never put off until tomorrow what you can easily put off a lot longer than that.” This article starts off by saying this sentence in a satirical way. Saying that one can put anything off until the last possible second. I personally relate to this and I would seem to think that some other students do this as well. In the study the writer said, “Almost all of us procrastinate sometimes. Many of us--15% to 20%--make a habit of it.” It’s astounding that 15-20 percent of people make a habit out of that, and that includes me. There were some counterarguments in this article too. The author said being a perfectionist doesn’t lead to procrastination. There were counter arguments that said in fact perfectionism does cause procrastination. This counter writer said, "’’Procrastinators are perfectionists, and so are non-procrastinators, but they do it for different reasons. The procrastinator says, 'I want to be perfect so you 'll like me. '...The non-procrastinator says, 'I want the best product. I don 't care if you like me or not. '’’" Both of these arguments are valid to say the least. This article also provides psychological ways to cope and deal with procrastination. The tip that I liked
As described in this quote “It is true that we have waited too long to avoid some serious damage to the planetary ecosystem - some of it, unfortunately, irreversible. Yet the truly catastrophic damages that have the potential for ending civilization as we know it can still - almost certainly - be avoided.” This shows that some of the things that we have done like burning coal have created large carbon emissions that are incredibly harmful to our Earth. This is a serious problem that we as a race procrastinated and are reaching the point where we are facing some consequences. The reason we continue to burn coal is that it is the cheapest form of creating energy. We don’t care what it is doing to our Earth all that matters to the people that make these decisions is that it is the cheapest. That is the second part of procrastinating the problem. We think we are doing some good by saving money so we say we can fix this problem later. That is something a procrastinators do is say “I can fix this or do this later.” The people in charge of making these decisions are under a lot of pressure and, like said earlier, sometimes one can’t do the best work when they’re under pressure. In 1936 Winston Churchill said something that applies to us right now as a world. “Owing to past neglect, in the face of the plainest warnings, we have

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