Examples Of Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs In Cast Away

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In the movie Cast Away, Chuck Noland was stranded on an island by himself for four years. Throughout the movie, he progressed through the stages of need outlined by Maslow. The first stage of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is physiological needs, which includes finding food and getting sleep. The second stage is safety needs. This includes living in a safe environment and stability in life. Furthermore, the third stage is love needs, which includes having friends and group acceptance. Esteem needs is the fourth stage. Achievement and personal worth are both examples needed for this. Lastly, self-actualization is the fifth stage of the pyramid. With this, you are reaching your full potential and being the best version of yourself. Maslow contends …show more content…

He found coconuts to eat and drink on the island. Moreover, to meet his love needs, he thought of his girlfriend by looking at a picture of her and he also tried to look for other humans on the island. Chuck used the dress, ice skates, and Wilson Ball from the FedEx boxes. To start, the dress was used to meet his physiological needs because he used the netting of the dress to find food in the ocean. The ice skates met safety needs because he used it on a dental abscess to get the infection out. This was used to treat his health and prevent further issues with the abscess. Chuck’s love needs were met with the Wilson Ball. He used his own blood to draw a face on the ball. Eventually, he became friends with the ball by talking to it while stuck on the island. On the island, Chuck altered the environment to meet his safety needs. To keep his feet safe he used the shoes of the dead man and resources on the island to protect his feet from getting injured. Also, Chuck created a home in a cave he found to protect him from the outside and to have a safe place to sleep. When chuck needed to find away to be safely cross the waves, he used things like branches, vine, and and part of a washed up portable toilet to create a boat he could use to safely pass the waves and get off the

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