Examples Of Masculinity In Full Metal Jacket

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Masculinity is having qualities traditionally ascribed to men, as strength and boldness. The movie Full Metal Jacket spends an ample amount of time demonstrating the masculinity of the characters. Masculinity doesn’t mean the same thing for every man though because every man doesn’t prioritize things the same way. The things men prioritize in their lives they believe atribute to their masculinity. Kubrick demonstrates masculinity in different forms through different characters: Animal mother’s masculinity derives from his aggression and physical ability, Joker was more thoughtful and articulate, and Pyle goes insane because he couldn’t conform to the other men’s meaning on masculinity and they couldn’t understand his. Animal Mother demonstrated his masculinity with his physicality. Animal mother sees the war as a slaughter. During the movie he makes jokes discriminating against people’s physical appearances. He is most concerned with beating the other team. He would say things to his constituents that could be considered rude but when they were up against the enemy he did not take losing men in combat very well. In the scene where he went in to help save his fellow soldiers he was most concerned with finding the sniper and taking her down. the shortcoming of his …show more content…

The other men in his battalion grew tired of having to make up for his mistakes. Pyle was infantilized by the sergeant which contributed to his inability to become a man in the other soldiers eyes. Joker could see that Pyle wasn’t ready for the military when he told Cowboy he would be “section eighed.” Pyle could no longer take the pressure to transform into a soldier or what what the other soldiers wanted or needed him to be so he became a killer. He became what some would consider the opposite of masculine, a coward. A coward is a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, or

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