Examples Of Heroism In 1984

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Some people may wonder if true heroes exist or not. I believe that in some cases a true hero may be right in front of your eyes. In Orwell's novel 1984 there is a demonstration of an everyday man that counteracts his everyday life by thinking for himself. Could he possibly be counted as a hero? Let us find out. Winston was an average everyday man living in Oceania. It all started out when Winston bought a diary and felt an urge to write in it. He started to question the things around him and the people around him. He tried to fight the party that was ruling over him and the people but ultimately fell into a trap by trusting the wrong person that led him and his love to a series of torture. It all began with the diary, Winston had no clue why …show more content…

This man didn't believe in what the party stood for and did everything he could to fight against the party, starting conspiracies, acts of sabotage and much more. He wanted the destruction of big brother, he believed in the freedom of speech, and every right you could have. An uncontrollable rage seemed to seep out of the crowd, Goldstein was an object of hate throught Oceania. Any sight of him produced fear and anger onsight, there wasn't a day that passed that there was not a spy working for Goldstein uncovered by the thought police. Goldstein was the commander of the underground network of conspirators that were dedicated to overthrowing the party. The name of this underground network is The Brotherhood. One was not sure that it actually existed, there were vague rumors that there was a book of all the hersies in which Goldstein was the author. As the hate rose to its climax the viciousness of the crowd seemed to get higher and higher and you couldn't help but get caught up in it without a thought. it made you feel as though you wanted to bash someones head in, torture and no telling what else. But the rage people were feeling was an abstract undirected emotion that could easily be moved from object to

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