Examples Of Gender Observation

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Gender Observation Assignment For this observation assignment, i decided to observe men and women at the mall. Since my friend Ashley works at one, she did me a favor and let me stay behind a counter during rush hour. Ashley said rush hour would be about five to eight. I came in at four to see what the difference would be before rush hour. I got to see the alternation from men and women with shopping techniques, to behavior encounters and how they reacted in particular with an occupied store. By observing this it made me realize that men and women are completely different shoppers. When I first came in there weren't that many people. Id say about ten, up to fifteen most. Everything was steady. The women took their time and went through each aisle until they couldn't find something they like and leave. For the men, they skimmed through aisles, as if something were nice to them, they double check it with a friend …show more content…

The amount of people in the store made a huge difference in both men and women. They became more fast i would say. Instead of the men skimming through clothes, the women are now too. Clothes started to drop on the floor, fitting room lines were getting longer and paying was a hassle. The attitude in the women started to shift. I notice that the more crowd it gets the less people find something they want due to over looking the clothes because of the popularity the store got. I was sitting behind a counter next to a dressing room when I over heard a lady and husband. He insisted to try on the clothes and kept telling her it would look nice since she liked it but she kept saying otherwise. That shows me that women are very critique. As for men, they see something they like, pick their size and its done. Men basically only judge by its design and of course color. While women judge by color, design, fabric and sometimes how it looks on others point of

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