Example Of Informative Speech

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Good afternoon Stu: Yes, it is correct that there was an approximately two month delay in getting Mr. Cohen X-rays because he did not have clothing in the temporary holding cell. On March 12, 2014, Nurse Kristi Cortez evaluated Mr. Cohen in response to his March 10, 2014 Sick Call Request. Nurse Cortez ordered X-rays of his facial bones and cervical spine due to Mr. Cohen’s complaints of a headache, blurred vision and vertigo. Handwritten additions on the Sick Call Request/Encounter Form state “No clothing Refused X-ray” and “3/14 ROR [and] 3/12 RN X-ray Orders.” See MTDSJ Exhibit 10, Cohen Limited Excerpt of Medical Records, at p. 7. On May 16, 2014, Mr. Cohen received x-rays of his facial bones and cervical spine. See X-Ray of Cohen,

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