Evolution Should Not Be Taught In Schools Essay

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In this age, most schools across the nation are being taught evolution, the theory that humans evolved from apes, while other schools are teaching their students about creationism, that man was made by a divine entity. In 1925, a man by the name of James Thomas Scopes was under trial because he was charged a 100 dollar fine for teaching about Darwin’s theory of evolution in school. In Daytona,Tennessee Scopes violated the Butler law that made it illegal to teach about Darwin’s theory of evolution. Since this trial, many questions have popped up regarding the controversy of teaching evolution or creationism in class. Such as, “ Should new ideas be taught in school if the ideas contradict with family and/or religious values?” Speaking from a neutral standpoint, schools should only teach new ideas if it is without a doubt proven with hard evidence, but coming from a Christian perspective schools should …show more content…

In Scope’s argument he brings up a concept called Natural Selection, by Charles Darwin. Stated by dictionary.com, Natural Selection is the process by which forms of life having traits that better enable them to adapt to specific environmental pressures, as predators, changes in climate, or competition for food or mates, will tend to survive and reproduce in greater numbers than others of their kind, thus ensuring the perpetuation of those favorable traits in succeeding generations”. To summarize, Natural Selection says that over millions of years species have evolved from adaptations in the DNA used to adapt to the environment.The evolution theory says that humans evolved from apes, that evolved from reptiles, that evolved from fish. Natural Selection does not include state that species change into other species. The point is, public schools should not teach new ideas if the evidence supporting the idea is not fully accurate and

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