Evolution Of Hollywood In The 1920's

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The in 1920’s, America was the place to be for the best music and entertainment all around the world. The evolution of entertainment in the United States is thought to of been brought about because of the end of World War I and the Prohibition era. The climax of the Roaring 20’s exponentially changed entertainment in many ways like in literature, movies, dance, jazz, and radio which dramatically effected society, politics, and most importantly the economy of the United States. Literature evolved from the old and dull Victorian style to the more flushed and exciting Modernist style. Legends like F. Scott Fitzgerald had amazing success with books showing extravagant sceneries making the reader what to live like what was mentally depicted in his …show more content…

Longer films became more popular and sound became more common. Larger companies began taking over smaller studios and creating studio systems, Paramount being the highest paid. Movies became America’s most favorite pastime activities, and theaters could now hold up to 2,000 people at once. Dances, clothing, and many other things where taken from movies by the youth to try and make their lives seem more like their favorite movies. Movies also brought rich and poor Americans together because they all watched the same movies and had the same dreams of becoming a movie star. The increasing of ticket sales and the cost of the production of movies helped the economy expand. Also, the cost of people wanting to try to be like movie stars help too. Along with literature and movies, dance began an up rise in popularity in the …show more content…

Critics despised it, but it didn’t stop its popularity. The Prohibition era and the revolution of the radio helped spread the joyous sound of jazz which originated in New Orleans. Artists like Joe “King” Oliver, Louis Armstrong, and Duke Ellington were national icons during the Jazz Age. Jazz had much effect on society, one being the outbreak of new dances and new styles of clothes. It separated the traditional thinkers from the “New Age” thinkers and united various cultures and nationalities. Politics was impacted by jazz too. Communities all around America passed laws that banned jazz from being played. Expert jazz musicians have been honored in Washington D.C. Jazz was also named a national treasure by Congress. The economy wasn’t left behind either. African Americans were able to financially grow out of the lower class with the composition of jazz, although they were ripped off most of the time. The introduction of the radio to the public had the biggest toll on the evolution of entertainment in the

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