Everybody Out Of The Pool Research Paper

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At a minuscule 1/16 of an inch long, you would think that a springtail is such a tiny creature that you wouldn't even notice him. Unfortunately, springtails travel in packs, creating bio-masses large enough to disturb you; especially when clumps of them are floating in your pool. These small insects huddle together in moist areas, eating decaying materials and jumping high into the air when disturbed. They are attracted to moisture, and as such often find their way into swimming pools where they float on top of the water like small oil slicks. Skimming your pool will remove them. To prevent them you'll need to turn off your pool lights, soap up pool surfaces and remove mulch and other wet materials from around your pool.
Everybody Out of the Pool

Springtails are small whitish, bluish, gray or black creatures that hang out together in small swarms. They have no wing but have a tail-like body part called the furcula that tucks under their abdomens. When they are disturbed, springtails quickly lower this furcula to launch themselves several inches into the air. Because they have no wings, they can't get back out of your swimming pool once they find their way in. Instead, they float on top of the water, creating an unappealing vibe.

Skimming the surface of the …show more content…

You clearly can't dry up your pool unless you empty it. but you can dry the area around it. Keep your yard free of rotting leaves, thick thatch and other moist, decomposing matter. Don't irrigate your garden or landscaping until it has thoroughly dried from its last irrigation, and minimize your mulch usage. If you notice springtails in your mulch, rake it up, bag it and dispose of it. Let the area dry out completely before mulching again and use the thinnest layer of mulch possible when you do. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth into and on top of your mulch to kill any springtails attempting to reestablish themselves in your flower

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