Evaluate Potential Dangerous Situations

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It is important for children and young people to develop their own strategies to protect themselves and make decisions about their own safety, as adults can’t protect them all the time. This can be done by helping children develop ways of assessing and manage risks and being able to evaluate potentially dangerous situations. A good example of this for a young child is crossing the road for the first time on their own. Encouraging children and young people to share any worries about their safety and welfare helps them realise that they will be taken seriously, and they will develop a higher level of self-esteem and self-confidence, to help them in making decisions about their safety. An example of this is encouraging children to speak up if they’re being bullied. …show more content…

The first tim e a child tries something, an adult will normally assist them to minimise the risks involved. As they become more physically able and begin to learn about the risks, they will become more independent and able to carry out the task themselves. Children should be educated at an early age about the potential danger of strangers, as they can

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